About us:
Managing teams
The Board of Directors
Elvira Silvia Lefebvre D’Ovidio
Elena Castelli
General Secretary
Franca Benini
In 1981, Dr Benini graduated from Padua University with a degree in General Medicine and Surgery. She went on to specialize, at Padua University, in Paediatric Medicine (1985), in Anaesthesiology and Reanimation (1989), in Neonatology (1990), Pharmacology (1995) and, in 2004, she obtained a Masters degree Antalgic Therapy and Paediatric Palliative Care.
At the beginning of her career she accumulated a broad range of training experiences in Canada and the United States. Returning to Padua, she provided key support for the creation of the “Casa del Bambino” which she current Directs. It comprises a publicly funded children’s hospice/residential centre for the delivery of palliative care and pain management for children with incurable illness and a regional diagnosis centre for abused children. She is also the Veneto Regional Coordinator for the team specialised in children’s palliative care and pain management delivery.
She is the author of numerous published studies regarding the quality of life of children and families affected by incurable illness and with the delivery of effective palliative care and pain management for children living with serious illness.
Alessandro de’ Micheli
Carlo Lefebvre Capece Minutolo
Denise Pardo
Giulia Pinna
Lavinia Eugenia Cristina Recordati
Elda Turco Bulgherini