
Speakers presentation

© 2014 | Fondazione Maruzza Lefebvre D’Ovidio Onlus
Wednesday 19th November 2014

Opening Ceremony
Welcome from the Congress Chairs:  Franca Benini
Keynote Lecture: Hope in Pediatric Palliative Care – Chris Feudtner

Thursday 20th November 2014

Plenary Session: Symptom control
Neurological symptoms – Julie Hauer
Respiratory symptoms  Stephen Liben
Nutrition and anorexia  Ross Drake
Psychosocial symptoms  Rut Kiman

Special session No pain for Children Award 1st Prize
Bereaved Siblings’ Advice to Health Care Professionals Working with Children with Cancer and their Siblings – Malin Lövgren

Friday 21th November 2014

Plenary Session: Emerging issues in Paediatric Palliative Care
Disability  Adriano Ferrari
Assessing local needs  Martha Mherekumombe
Integrative Therapies in Pediatric Palliative Care: Hypnosis  Stefan Friedrichsdorf

Plenary Session: Research in Paediatric Palliative Care
Ethics – Richard Hain
Patient outcomes  Julia Downing

Keynote session
The rights of the dying child
 – Kathy Foley & Marcello Orzalesi

Conclusions and Closing Remarks
Franca Benini