What we do:

What we do:



The GO-PPaCS project, coordinated by Dr. Franca Benini, is grounded in the document ‘IMPaACCT Standards for Paediatric Palliative Care in Europe’ published in 2007 in The European Journal of Palliative Care.

Since 2007, with the evolution of healthcare needs (it is estimated that there are currently 300,000 children with palliative care needs globally), the advent of new disciplines and the development of new tools and knowledge, the palliative care community recognised the need to amend the data, definitions and recommended core standards of service provision in a comprehensive document that reached beyond the focus of the European region.

The new GO-PPaCS document was developed by a group of leading international experts representative of a broad scope of global geographical regions and disciplines linked to PPC provision following an extensive review of recent scientific studies and published papers. The GO-PPaCS white paper is currently in peer review for publication in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management and will be presented during the 5th Maruzza International Congress on Paediatric Palliative Care in May 2022.