The “Giro d’Italia delle CPP” (GPPC) is a nation-wide awareness campaign aimed at the promotion and development of homogenous child-specific palliative care services throughout the Italian regions. The project interlinks a series of sporting, scientific, institutional, cultural, recreational events organised at a regional level.
The concept is an ‘umbrella campaign’ under which it is possible to participate through the organization of ad hoc events or by incorporating, within events/exhibitions already scheduled, an activity dedicated to the theme of Paediatric Palliative care (PPC) that encompasses the distribution of GPPC informative material.
The idea, generated from the combined efforts of the 200+ members of the spontaneous network ‘Innamorati delle CPP’ (‘In love with PPC’) comprised predominantly of social and healthcare professionals working with seriously ill children and their families, foresees a specific awareness/communication campaign regarding PPC delivery.
In 2024, the GPPC events will be organised between the 11th of May and the 16th of June. This year’s communication campaign was dedicated to the development of pediatric palliative care networks in each of the Italian regions, as specified in the law 38/2010 through the distribution of information booklets and dedicated communication initiatives.
Children’s palliative care is defined as “holistic care of the child’s body mind and spirit and provides support for the family”. The regional network, bringing together other local networks, is an effective service model ensuring an integrated approach to children’s palliative care. It embraces multi-disciplinary agencies from both the statutory and voluntary sectors including social care, education and children’s hospitals and hospice services that work together in a co-ordinated manner to cut across organisational boundaries and plan services efficiently.
In addition to the general public, the project foresees informational initiatives is aimed at policy makers, healthcare authority managers, clinical, nursing and social-healthcare workers; all those professional figures involved in the implementation of policies, care models and practices capable of guaranteeing access to efficient PPC services for all those who need them in their region of residency.
The Maruzza Foundation acts as the National Secretariat and Coordination Hub for the GPPC initiative, assuming the strategic leadership for the project, overseeing regional cooperation and logistics management for the events.
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